Case title | Envol Vert and others vs. Casino Group |
Country where the conflict/incident took place | Brazil and Colombia |
Country where the case is being litigated | France |
Year of initiation of proceedings | March 2021 |
Case reference number | |
Status of case | Ongoing |
Category | Traditional Communities, Climate, Work Conditions |
Plaintiffs | A Coalition of (11) International, French, Brazilian and Colombian NGOs: Envol Vert, Sherpa, Canopée, Notre Affaire à Tous, France Nature Environnement, Mighty Earth, Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB), Federação dos Povos Indígenas do Pará (FEPIPA), Federação das Organizações e Povos Indígenas do Mato Grosso (FEPOIMT), Organización Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía Colombiana (OPIAC) |
Defendants | Casino, Guichard-Perrachon S.A. |
At issue | Breach of duty of vigilance law of 2017 in connection to cattle industry, involving illegal deforestation, land grabbing, forced labour and violations of indigenous peoples’ rights |
References | - Casino case in Brazil and Colombia, Sherpa website
- Center for Climate Crime Analysis (CCCA), Casino Case, 2022
Proceedings: In March 2021, a coalition of international, French, Brazilian, and Colombian NGOs filed a lawsuit with the Judicial Court of Saint-Étienne, France, against the multinational supermarket retailer Casino Group, for the actions of its subsidiaries in Brazil (Pão de Açúcar, GPA) and in Colombia (Grupo Éxito).
Main Claims: The lawsuit alleges that Casino Group and its subsidiaries in the supply chain failed to implement adequate measures to identify and prevent human rights violations and environmental harm, contravening the French duty of vigilance law. Specifically, it argues that several farms in the cattle breeding sector within Casino Group’s supply chain have been involved in illegal deforestation, land grabbing, forced labour, and violations of indigenous peoples’ rights.
The case is grounded in France’s duty of vigilance law of 2017, which mandates large French companies to establish and execute vigilance plans to identify and prevent severe human rights and environmental violations throughout their supply chains. This lawsuit represents a significant step in utilizing French law to hold companies accountable for their international supply chain practices.
The plaintiffs seek a court order for Casino Group to undertake measures to exclude beef associated with deforestation and land grabbing in indigenous territories from its supply chain in Brazil and Colombia. Additionally, they demand compensation for damages suffered by indigenous peoples.
Case Development:
In March 2022, the case was transferred to Paris following the enactment of the December 2021 Law on Confidence in the Judiciary, which designates exclusive jurisdiction to the Judicial Court of Paris for vigilance matters.
In December 2022, the plaintiffs declined a mediation proposal from the judge, arguing that the case raises fundamental questions about the responsibility of a company in the destruction of ecosystems and the violation of the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon, necessitating a public debate and judicial decision.
In January 2023, the association Jupaú, representing the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau people, announced its intent to join the international coalition in the lawsuit against Casino Group. This decision followed an earlier report by the Center for Climate Crime Analysis (CCCA) revealing connections between Casino Group’s meat supply chain, deforestation, and violations of Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indigenous Land rights in the Brazilian Amazon. Specifically, the report identified three illegal farms within Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau land connected to the supply chain of the Brazilian company JBS’ slaughterhouses, which provided meat to Casino Group’s stores.