A Step by Step Guide
To Deforestations and Conversion Free Supply Chain Portfolio
Deforestation and conversion-free investment practices are an ongoing journey that requires constant vigilance and proactive actions to uncover hidden risks and turn zero-deforestation ambitions into reality. This is a checklist version of the guide for investors.
A Step-by-Step Guide
to a Deforestation and Conversion-Free Supply Chain
Investing sustainably, without deforesting or converting native vegetation, is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance and proactive measures to identify potential hidden risks and achieve the goal of zero deforestation. This is a practical summary of the guide for investors.
Navigating Deforestation Risks and
Embracing Sustainability in Brazilian Investments
A Guide for Investors
In collaboration with WWF-Brasil, we have released a comprehensive guide designed to help investors to identify, prevent and mitigate risks associated with deforestation and land conversion. This guide aims to protect both environmental integrity and financial interests.
Navigating Deforestation Risks and Embracing Sustainability in Brazilian Investments
A Guide for Investors
In a WWF-Brazil project, we launched this guide, designed to help investors identify, prevent and mitigate the risks associated with deforestation, protecting both environmental integrity and financial interests.
Devida Diligência:
Para Além do Cumprimento da Lei
Esta pesquisa traz o contexto necessário para entender o conceito de “Devida Diligência”, bem como as novas legislações internacionais sobre o assunto, para traçar um entendimento legítimo das atribuições das empresas em relação aos riscos em cada etapa das cadeias de valor, produção e abastecimento.
English version. Our research brings the needed context to understand the concept of Due Diligence, as well as the new international legislations on the matter, and to draw a legitimate undestanding on the businesses’ atributions on the risks in each step of the value, production and supply chains.
Quantification of environmental damage - call from the National Council of Justice (CNJ),
Research Committee - Matteus Carvalho and Elisa Mousinho
Document responding to the public consultation of the Call for Proposals on Quantification of Environmental Damages of the National Council of Justice with recommendations of reference indicators for the quantification of environmental damages in Brazilian biomes.
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La Comisión Pastoril de Tierras y Notre Affaire à Tous demandan a un banco francés por financiar a empresas cárnicas implicadas en daños socioambientales
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Nigerian communities of Ogale and Bille sue Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd for pollution caused by oil spills